Gigih Enough to GrowAs a student, I need to learn and learn what my university gave. Honestly I’m third year student that still want to know what will I be…Aug 30, 2021Aug 30, 2021
Week 6: My Ways to Adapt in GenerasiGIGIHHow I deal with losing or setback? Specially in my mind, the result doesn’t mean everything. Rather than think about the result, why we…Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
Dear My GenerasiGigih Friends…So, let’s continue to talk about my journey in GenerasiGigih. This week is one of my heaviest weeks so far. Well, I got bad news and good…Aug 9, 2021Aug 9, 2021
Half isn’t EnoughThere is a safe spot within every tornado. My job is to find it.Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Module 1: Basic Concepts of Ruby Object Oriented ProgrammingSurya Ferary Nainggolan — GBE01164Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Eksplorasi Aplikasi SpotifyJika sebelumnya kita sudah membahas ReverbNation, maka pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahasan Spotify yang sempat kita singgung…Jun 2, 2020Jun 2, 2020
REDESIGN APLIKASI RADIO DEL FMDalam tahap ini, desain ulang dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan masukan yang lebih baik terhadap sebuah aplikasi. Pada kesempatan ini…Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
Aplikasi Mobile Del FM : Mengulas Sebaik Apa Aplikasi ini Menghadirkan “Connecting You to Toba”“You cannot understand good design if you do not understand People; design is made for people” -Dieter Rams-May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
ReverbNation : Sebuah EkplorasiBanyak platform music yang bertebaran di dunia maya, nama-nama besar seperti Spotify, Joox, Deezer, dan lainnya adalah platform teratas di…Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020